19 CEUs

The MET conference 2025 is over. The next MET conference, happening in March 2026, will feature Kathy Sdao and many more inspirational trainers.

On the 8th and 9th of March 2025, we broadcasted the fifth edition to the world. You can watch all lectures from the archive during the following six months. The international virtual stage will feature the well-known dog trainer Jean Donaldson, author of book Culture Clash, professor Susan G. Friedman and six other distinguished speakers.

Our common goal is a better and more ethical living with dogs. Join us!


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You can watch recordings of each presentation for 6 months.
Open each presentation for more details. 


Why attend

  1. Nearly 19 hours of new knowledge and practical procedures.
  2. Recording of the conference for 6 months.
  3. Refund option within one month of archive launch.
  4. 19 CEUs from CCPDT for trainers and behavior consultants, 19 CEUs from IAABC.
  5. 5 trainers from USA, Germany and Italy, 2 experts from the Czech Republic.


MET 2025 is over. The next MET conference, happening in March 2026, will feature Kathy Sdao and many more inspirational trainers.

MET conference 2026 is running right now!

… left until the start of the MET 2026 conference!


Don’t worry, it’s nothing complicated. When you make your purchase, you‘ll need to enter a password that you can then use to log in to your new user account at any time. There, you can find the live broadcast on the days of the conference. After the end of the conference, you will also find a recording of it under your user account for a period of six months.

You will need an internet connection and a computer. Of course, you can also sign up via your tablet or phone.

The conference is held in Czech and English. We work with experienced interpreters whose work was very popular during the first year. 

We want you to have access to all information without a language barrier. So you can listen to the speakers fully in English if you want.

If you are CCPDT certified trainer, there are 19 CEUs available (for both trainers and behavior consultants).  When ordering the conference ticket, there is a box where you enter your CCPDT 7-digit number. After the conference finishes, we will provide the number to CCPDT.

If you are IAABC-certified, you can earn 19 CEUs by attending. When ordering your conference ticket, you will see a box where you can indicate that you are an IAABC member or credential holder and that you wish to earn CEUs. During certain presentations, a code will be displayed for a limited period of time, which you will need to claim your CEUs.

You can find the MET conference enlisted here (click on the organization name):


German Tellington TTouch Organization (TTVD) has recognized the conference and is awarding  6 continuing education credits  (CEUs) for it.

For more information reach the Tellington TTouch Organization HERE

The recordings are available to participants for 6 months, during which time you can return to the lectures indefinitely. 

After this period, the recordings are no longer available and cannot be purchased retrospectively.

Are you interested in purchasing a block of 10 or more tickets for your organization’s members? For detailed information, please reach out to us at

If you did not receive a confirmation email or had another problem, send us a message to and we will resolve it.

Join our facebook group Modern ethical dog training to discuss about the conference and other topics and follow us on Instagram

For several years we have been working on sharing interesting and practical information from the dog training world. The program, technical side, and even the slightest nuances are constantly being worked on. Therefore, we truly stand by what we offer. That is why we have decided to make sure we satisfy anyone who thinks the conference is not really for them.

If you do not find anything useful within a month after the launch of the digital archive and the conference is not up to your expectations, send us an email at and you will be fully refunded. We would like it if you could send us your reasons so that we can work on the things you did not enjoy.

We need to process and upload the videos from the conference first. It’s a lot of data and a lot of videos that will keep us busy for a while. 

The recording will therefore be available within a few days after the conference. We will let you know via social media and email. After that, you will have unlimited access to the archive for six months. You can find it under My Account.

We were honored to host speakers as:

USA: Jean Donaldson, Ken Ramirez, Leslie McDevitt, Susan G. Friedman, Mike Shikashio, Malena DeMartini, Grisha Stewart, Bob Bailey, Emily Larlham Kikopup (provided her online course, Hannah Branigan, Kellie Snider, David Mech, Julie Skinner Vargas.

United Kingdom: Chirag Patel, Kay Laurence, Victoria Stilwell

Netherlands: Simon Prins

Germany: Katja Krauss

Italy: Alexa Capra

Norway: Turid Rugaas

France: Cristina and Aurelién Budzinski

Hungary: Ádám Miklósi

Australia: Jennie Harvey

The Czech Republic: František Šusta, Radka Spudilová, Robert Zlocha, Nicole Vošvrdová, Martina Klimešová, Martina Vondráková, Lenka Blachová, Eliška Pavetta Šuhaj, Veronika Uhlířová, Magdalena Šimečková

Slovakia: Júlia Bukovinská, Jana Radošovská.

The MET conference is organized by a Czech Republic team led by coach Robert Zlocha, who sits in the moderator’s chair. In addition to helping dog owners and their furry friends in Prague, Robert travels around the world to educate himself. He is a participant in international conferences and intensive training sessions with professionals in the field of dog training. You can learn more about Robert on his website.

Petra Kejklíčková takes care of the second presenter’s microphone and communication with the public. She got into modern ethical training thanks to her reactive dog. In addition to co-organizing the conference, Petra also deals with marketing.

The technical side is managed by a professional streaming team of eight people, and translated from Czech to English and vice versa by a team of interpreters with extensive international experience. Altogether there is almost 20 people working on the MET conference.

Modern and Ethical Training.

Program of the MET conference 2025

Times are stated in GMT / UTC +1 time zone (Prague, Czechia). Click HERE for a time converter or visit the main page, which features the time converter.



  • 09:00 – 11:30 František Šusta: Training a dog lion-style? How to build trust through protected contact
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Pause (1 hour)
  • 12:30 – 15:15 Alexa Capra: From Coercion to Connection
  • 15:15- 15:25 Pause (10 minutes)
  • 15:25 – 18:00 Kellie Snider: Reading the Alert – Transforming Canine Aggression to Friendliness Through CAT
  • 18:00 – 18:30 Pause (30 minutes)
  • 18:30 – 20:30 Jean Donaldson: Resource Guarding and Body Handling: Technique and Case Studies


  • 09:00 – 11:30 Magdalena Šimečková: Deep Connection – Dogs Mirroring Our Needs and Emotions
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Pause (1 hour)
  • 12:30 – 15:00 Katja Krauß: Understanding Dog Behavior through Neutral Observation, including Common Misinterpretations
  • 15:00 – 15:15 Pause (15 minutes)
  • 15:15 – 17:20 Susan G. Friedman: How We Learn – An Introduction to Behavior Analysis and Training
  • 17:20 – 17:25 Pause (5 minutes)
  • 17:25 – 18:15 BONUS Interview with Julie Vargas (daughter of B.F. Skinner)
  • 18:15 – 18:25 Pause (10 minutes)
  • 18:25 – 20:25 Jean Donaldson: Dog-Dog Problems – On Leash and In the Home
  • 20:25 – 20:30 Final word and information about the headliner of the MET 2026

Program MET konference 2025


  • 9:00 – 11:30 František Šusta: Trénování psa jako lva? Jak budovat důvěru skrze chráněný kontakt
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Přestávka (1 hodina)
  • 12:30 – 15:15 Alexa Capra: Od nátlaku k propojení
  • 15:15 – 15:25 Přestávka (10 minut)
  • 15:25 – 18:00 Kellie Snider: Čtení varovných signálů: Přeměna agresivity na přátelské chování pomocí metody CAT
  • 18:00 – 18:30 Přestávka (30 minut)
  • 18:30 – 20:30 Jean Donaldson: Problémy mezi psy na vodítku i v domácnosti


  • 9:00 – 11:30 Magdalena Šimečková: Hluboké pouto – Psi jako zrcadlo našich emocí a potřeb
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Přestávka (1 hodina)
  • 12:30 – 15:00 Katja Krauß: Jak porozumět chování psů skrze neutrální pozorování. Principy a nejčastější chyby
  • 15:00 – 15:15 Přestávka (15 minut)
  • 15:15 – 17:20 Susan G. Friedman: Jak se učíme – Úvod do analýzy chování a tréninku 
  • 17:20 – 17:25 Přestávka (5 minut)
  • 17:25 – 18:15 BONUS Rozhovor s Julií Vargas (dcera B. F. Skinnera)
  • 18:15 – 18:25 Přestávka (10 minut)
  • 18:25 – 20:25 Jean Donaldson: Zdrojová agresivita a manipulace – Technika a případové studie
  • 20:25 – 20:35 Závěrečné slovo a představení hlavního řečníka MET 2026